Friday, May 24, 2024

Blue Planet Mission

A beautiful blue planet to colonize
 We came from very far away, at the speed of light, and when we returned to this planet, it was immediately decided that we were here to stay. 

Very primitive worlds, we will domesticate, our mission and task is to facilitate the evolution of the human race, but following the schedules, we will begin to filter.

Understand our methods of warfare, we have infallible plans, we will make humans fight each other, don't understand it as extinction, these are our rules of containment. 

After all the conflicts, you will be tired, your minds will change, with a lot of technology and determination, your beautiful blue planet we will tame, it will be times of peace and development, our technology is our trump card and everyone will collaborate. . . 

When the time is right, they will make discoveries and possess spatial intelligence, they will open their eyes to glimpse the immensity of our light. 

A hypnotic and imposing expanding Supernova, a beautiful black hole in space, a new world awaits you, a new time is coming.

Your minds with interfaces installed, your synapses telepathic and totally controlled, programming on demand, this will be your reason for living.

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