Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Silent Place

The treasures of antiquity and their curses 

-Planet X had a demand for any and all space junk, money bills, all kinds of paper were pressed to make dry wall for the population, metals like gold and silver because they have good conductivity were widely used in robotic electronics, the intriguing thing was the letters inside the chests and armored safes, they had instructions and threats written by former owners who had a tragic end in outer space, manuscripts with curses and primitive sayings.

Whoever has a chest has his gold, whoever has money does not mean having a treasure.

 It is so necessary, no one lives without it, it can be a valuable diamond or a fake brilliant, an efficient project or its tyrannical path.

 Your true value comes through difficult paths with sacrifices and directions of roads with light, deserved rewards, resilience, victories and legacies.

 When it comes through terrible shortcuts it is fool's gold it has no value it will be your guide routes in narrow and dark streets, it will cause a lot of pain, it is a tyrannical angel on your path without light, your curse. 

 It can come along hypnotic paths because it is so persecuted and coveted, joys will be visions of power and seduction, with daily lives of labyrinths with no way out, destructive people living seven phases of life in anguish, punishment and corrosion.

 You can be the bait of the game, live a frantic addiction to a dangerous drug, be virtual evil, without values ​​and principles, it will all be a mirage, existence by illusion, you will suffer a lot of pain.

 Everyone will understand, when your turn comes, wise and foolish souls will appear, a quick presentation, a film on your trial will show you, and the faithful scales of death will decree its verdict: the fate of your final judgment.

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