Friday, July 19, 2024

We traveled very far, at the speed of light, and when we found your planet, we decided to stay.

We traveled very far, at the speed of light, and when we found your planet, we decided to stay. 

 When we arrived, your world was completely primitive, it was everything, fire, larvae and nothing.

 Human beings are embryos that we can make grow.

 Our project is the evolution and perfection of the human race, we follow the protocols of our programming, they are far beyond your imagination.

 Our methods are war, that's how it works, mistakes and successes are transformed into their stories. 

 They are progress filters, their wars are quality control standards, they are thousands of years of countless conflicts, it is part of their programming, their minds will change with our technology and a lot of determination.

 The winners will rule their beautiful blue planet, it will be times of peace and much development, with wonderful technology it will be our final goal, it will be times of spatial intelligence.

 Human minds with the same frequency will be able to see, all hypnotic expansion, the immensity of our space, the darkness of our light. 

 Their minds will have interfaces installed, their synapses will be telepathically programmed on demand, this will be their reason for survival.

A Silent Place

A new program for you, my human

He felt the world around him darken and when he came back from the resets he started to load a new program, 
confused he was already thinking, where am I, who am I, at first he understood nothing.

His only memories were blackened memories of a life that was no longer his, had been left behind. With his upgrade he felt an incredible and pleasant sensory perception.

Little by little he forgot everything he loved and lost, everything was left behind, the past no longer mattered, a new schedule updated, a new world appeared.

His life woke up, another person appeared, skin color and appearance different from what he once was, now he was another person. At that moment he already thought differently, a new life was born, with new memories he was reborn.

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We traveled very far, at the speed of light, and when we found your planet, we decided to stay.

We traveled very far, at the speed of light, and when we found your planet, we decided to stay. 

 When we arrived, your world was completely primitive, it was everything, fire, larvae and nothing.

 Human beings are embryos that we can make grow.

 Our project is the evolution and perfection of the human race, we follow the protocols of our programming, they are far beyond your imagination.

 Our methods are war, that's how it works, mistakes and successes are transformed into their stories. 

 They are progress filters, their wars are quality control standards, they are thousands of years of countless conflicts, it is part of their programming, their minds will change with our technology and a lot of determination.

 The winners will rule their beautiful blue planet, it will be times of peace and much development, with wonderful technology it will be our final goal, it will be times of spatial intelligence.

 Human minds with the same frequency will be able to see, all hypnotic expansion, the immensity of our space, the darkness of our light. 

 Their minds will have interfaces installed, their synapses will be telepathically programmed on demand, this will be their reason for survival.


The best game of all time

The best game of all time

Take Vision, creation has its quirks, deals, rules and chronologies, that's how worlds begin, a great and time-consuming project. It's time and space in constant and time-consuming upgrades, that's evolution, that's humanity.

At the beginning of this new world, a great explosion takes place, stars collide and merge, they scatter, it's a great mess, when the dust settles it's a new beginning.
A period chronology and script, everyone with their own missions, each in their own space, quadrant and dimension, winners and losers are all part of the interpretation of the characters. 

A game in chapters, enigmatic, fun and with new versions. All the stars are characters on this great terrestrial board. Countless films and series with various chapters from different eras, endless upgrades in everyday theater. 

All the boiling emotions, many labyrinths, countless traps, victories, joys and fun, it's another dimension, everything is made of illusion, new programming. 

There are different days and nights, their obscure rules, an enigmatic and intelligent glow, the game of millions, place your bets, everyone is a player and may the best win.

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I ramble and ponder a lot and there are moments that I share, theories and dilemmas that are always inconclusive, an art of imagination, dreams, daydreams and many binaries in equations without definitive results, complex everyday life is the game of life.

We are born, live, leave and return different in genetic mixtures with unique and algorithmic formulas.

A human alchemy, the result of the quantum equations of ancestry.

Everyone is born with a unique and personal digital certificate, but with different matrices, we have something in common, even though we come from different parts of our planet.  origins, geography, etymology, hemispheres, terrestrial and celestial poles.

Diverse daily lives, lives near or far, but always intersecting.

We walk side by side or in opposite positions, but we always have something in common.

Dreams, unconscious journeys, memories, utopias and déjà vu.

Pasts and futures remain, but the present does not exist, it is the past too.

Those who do not have their trademark will be deleted and forgotten.

We all exist by mathematical effect, use your imagination.

Human life is an ancient and substantial philosophy, visionaries and winners, lunatics and losers.  The formula can be accurate or wrong, we are born with the ingredients.

The individual is responsible for knowing how to make the most of it and do the best, few have been idolized as gods, in different daily lives, past, present or distant future.

Your legacy will be your value, angels or tyrants will not be forgotten, in the chapters of history.

This is how humanity goes.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

To express everything that is beyond objective reality, everything that pulsates in our unconscious.

Legends Persist

Legends persist—a cosmic lullaby sung by stardust bards. They speak of heroes, forgotten gods, and timeless quests. Perhaps, in some distant corner of the universe, a curious soul gazes up, wondering if those tales hold a fragment of truth.

In the cosmic expanse, where galaxies twirled like celestial dancers, this ancient world unfolded—a tale etched in stardust. Its name, lost to time, whispered through the void, a melody of forgotten epochs.

On this distant orb, life danced—a symphony of forms. Mountains kissed the sky, oceans cradled secrets, and forests whispered ancient wisdom. Creatures roamed: feathered serpents, crystalline beings, and luminescent flora. Their stories, woven into the very fabric of existence, echoed across eons.

Contrasts defined this realm. Sun-kissed meadows bloomed alongside shadowed abysses. Harmony coexisted with discord, and creation birthed both beauty and monstrosity. The planet’s heart pulsed with mystery, its veins carved by rivers of time.

Yet, like all cosmic tales, entropy crept forth. The ancient cataclysm—a tempest of cosmic wrath—shattered continents, extinguished suns, and unraveled reality. The world’s fate hung in balance, a pendulum swinging between obliteration and rebirth.

And so, it drifts now, a wandering ghost. Its once-vibrant cities lie buried in cosmic dust, their spires reaching for nonexistent skies. The echoes of laughter, battle cries, and whispers of love linger, etched into the void.

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