Tuesday, October 31, 2023



 Envision an immediate reality, where fantasy became reality, a society ideally more perfect than the one we live in, don't miss this opportunity, a perfect city with all the comforts and solutions, a paradise within your reach.  Travel safely and comfortably, our cruises are within your reach, visit, have fun, enjoy your life, we have great hotels, choose your stars, enjoy your stay, great prices, guarantee your spot and buy your land or habitat.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Take the vision

The best game in the worlds

 Creation has its peculiarities, treatments, rules and chronology, this is how worlds begin, a large and time-consuming project, time and space are in constant and time-consuming upgrades, this is how evolution is, this is how humanity is progressing.

 At the start, at the beginning it's a big explosion, they collide, merge, spread out, a big confusion, it's the beginning of everything, everyone with their missions, each one in their own space, quadrant and dimension, player or gambler.

 A game in chapters, enigmatic, fun and with all versions.  In this sensational game, the entire human race are the main stars, the plays, the characters, on this great terrestrial board, long films and series with various scenarios, infinite episodes, in the theater of everyday life.

 All the boiling emotions, many labyrinths, countless traps, victories, joys and fun, it's all in another dimension, a programming, all illusion.

 It's days and nights, all repetition, a game with obscure rules, enigmatic and intelligent, the game of millions, we are bettors or players.

 Take the vision

Monday, October 16, 2023



 I ramble and ponder a lot and there are moments that I share, theories and dilemmas that are always inconclusive, an art of imagination, dreams, daydreams and many binaries in equations without definitive results, complex everyday life is the game of life.

We are born, live, leave and return different in genetic mixtures with unique and algorithmic formulas.

A human alchemy, the result of the quantum equations of ancestry.

Everyone is born with a unique and personal digital certificate, but with different matrices, we have something in common, even though we come from different parts of our planet.  origins, geography, etymology, hemispheres, terrestrial and celestial poles.

Diverse daily lives, lives near or far, but always intersecting.

We walk side by side or in opposite positions, but we always have something in common.

Dreams, unconscious journeys, memories, utopias and déjà vu.

Pasts and futures remain, but the present does not exist, it is the past too.

Those who do not have their trademark will be deleted and forgotten.

We all exist by mathematical effect, use your imagination.

Human life is an ancient and substantial philosophy, visionaries and winners, lunatics and losers.  The formula can be accurate or wrong, we are born with the ingredients.

The individual is responsible for knowing how to make the most of it and do the best, few have been idolized as gods, in different daily lives, past, present or distant future.

Your legacy will be your value, angels or tyrants will not be forgotten, in the chapters of history.

This is how humanity goes.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Once upon a time

By F. M. S

 -Once upon a time, far from where I am, there was an old world, in another galaxy, its existence was thousands of years ago, it was a strange, dangerous, playful and cruel world, it was everything and turned into nothing, it wanders around there, without direction or direction, deformed and crushed in great destruction, a great black mass, without life, orbit or constellation.

 Today I am reading old stories, proven by our leaders and creators.

 These school curriculum subjects talk about our ancestors, the origin of my race.

 When I read these stories, I find it hard to believe, but I have no doubt, it was a fact, it was passed down and proven by our science and we should not forget it.

 However, moments of doubt and impasse arise in me, transforming into total complexity, when reflecting, thinking about the existence of a world so fascinating, playful  so hypocritical and with narcissistic people, revolutionary, intelligent and creative humans, but with many frustrations and doubts. , turning everything into anguish, causing chaos and total destruction, it even seems like "fiction" .

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The truth of human reality.

The truth of human reality.

 Our lives in this world are distributed in a great game of chess, we are pawns of great masters in the infinite universal game.

 We will always be audience champions, in all our daily lives, in these battles and wars, we always lose in the final judgment.

 Thousands of marionettes, puppets and pieces, a huge world board.

 Countless options, until the final move, the general public is eclectic, the bettor is very experienced, it doesn't matter about your destiny, it doesn't matter about your pain.

 In this game everyone loses, you are a pawn, the piece of the game.

 We will always be another move, chapters of TV series or films, many channel options, cinemas, theaters, all entertainment and any option.

 Competitions created by great leaders of this parallel universe, the script cannot stop, it has to continue and here we go, restarting and following the new programming of the Gods for each occasion.

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